Music Ministry Vacancies
Organist and Choir Director
And Contemporary Worship Leader
The Parish of Holywood, Diocese of Down, seeks to make two key appointments to the parish staff team. We have a cherished and vibrant musical tradition and are passionate about developing music ministry in both choral and contemporary expressions.
In the event that the Select Vestry is satisfied that one person can fulfil the expectations of both roles, consideration will be given to consolidating them under the title: “Director of Music Ministry.”
Closing date for applications is Monday 19th of December 2016. A selection process will take place in January 2017.
For more information or to request an application pack including an outline of the parish’s vision for these roles, job descriptions, details of remuneration etc, please contact the incumbent:The Revd Canon Gareth Harron email: Or by telephone 028 9042 20697