• 21 December 2016

Youth Work Vacancy Carryduff

We are seeking a energetic and committed Christian person to join our J Club Groups Children and youth ministry team at Carryduff Parish Church. 

To be a Youth worker of our J Club Plus group which runs on three Fridays evenings and one Sunday morning per month during term time. You will be expected to be a Role model to the young people you serve, have a heart and passion for the word of God and encourage young people to grow in faith. 

Lead and organise a fun, exciting and effective youth programs, outings and weekends away and biblical teaching, discipleship and evangelism and lead a team of dedicated volunteers. Age group is P7 age to 16yrs. 

Have an understanding of how Child Protection Policies work and practised , relating to Safeguarding of young people. 

For further information please contact the Leader in Charge Keith Shaw 07901935205 or keith_shaw@live.co.uk 

Closing date for applications on Monday 9th January 2017