• 01 March 2017

New Parish Resources section on Church of Ireland website

What’s new?

The Church of Ireland website now includes an area specially dedicated to sharing useful information with parishes. It is called Parish Resources and just as its name suggests, it has been designed with parishes in mind. Get there by clicking www.ireland.anglican.org/parish-resources

More detail

You’ll see that the resources are categorised by topic, such as ‘Select Vestry’, ‘Parish Finances’, ‘People & Community’, for example. They are usefully arranged so that anyone can easily access the material which is most relevant to them, whether they are a newly appointed parish treasurer, youth worker, select vestry sub–committee member, or whatever role they play in parish life. Examples of specific resources include the Parish Handbook, sample accounts, Dignity in Church Life policies, discipleship resources, forms, guidelines and many more.

Why is it important?

This addition to the website is an important part of the Church’s longer term strategy. Our aim is that those who give faithfully of their energy, time and skills in service to the Church will find support and relevant information to help them in their vital roles.

How will it work?

Parish Resources is a ‘living’ project; it will be added to and amended, ensuring the content continues to grow and remains useful.  The types of resources available will very much depend on their purpose. All documents may be shared and printed. Church members are encouraged to make use of them in their own parishes; this project’s success will rely on the resources being used.

Future plans

The content on Parish Resources will continue to be added to as more resources become available. Please help us by using the online contact form to share your feedback and ideas with the team working behind the scenes. Going forward, we urge every reader to consider how their own parish or diocese might benefit from using the materials, and indeed, how they might contribute as the content grows.

Our hope and prayer is that the Parish Resources platform will serve to harness information, share experience and best practice, and foster the understanding that we are all part of one island–wide Church.  The RCB is grateful for the kind generosity shown by Allchurches Trust in support of this project.