• 11 April 2017

Responding To The Crisis In East Africa.

The United Nations has warned that the world is facing the largest humanitarian crisis since the end of the second world war. More than 20 million people are facing starvation and famine because of the devastating levels of food insecurity in Yemen, South Sudan, Somalia and north–east Nigeria.

Bishop Harold writes:

‘Many people in the diocese of Down & Dromore have links with parts of Africa where there is serious famine at the moment.  Might I ask each church in the diocese to pray for those who find themselves in such a dreadful situation – not least children. 

Might I also invite every church in the diocese to have a focussed collection, or time of giving, around Holy Week and Easter to express our Christian love to alleviate at least some of the suffering especially in South Sudan, East Africa and Yemen.

Giving can be channelled through the appropriate aid agency or the Bishops’ Appeal.

Thank you for your generosity.’

CMS Ireland works with four Global Partners in South Sudan – they’ve developed close, two–way relationships between these partners and the Church in Ireland. These partners – as the local church in the midst of the crisis – are best placed to identify and respond to the needs on their doorstep. The Diocese of Down and Dromore has a Mission Link with the Diocese of Maridi in South Sudan.

  • Responding to the South Sudan Crisis 

  • Donate to CMS here

Tearfund are providing malnutrition treatment for approximately 50,000 mothers and children in South Sudan, as well as food support and clean water to thousands of others in South Sudan and Somaliland. Their teams in Ethiopia and Kenya have been helping communities cope better with the challenges of drought and have plans to respond to this crisis as soon as funding is available.

  • Hope Amid Hunger

  • Donate to Tearfund here 

Christian Aid partners are responding to the worst affected areas of Kenya and Ethiopia. In Somalia, they plan to work with their ACT Alliance sister agencies to provide support. In South Sudan, their partners have long been providing life–saving help: distributing seeds, farming tools and fishing gear so families can access nutritious food. We have also provided agricultural training, repaired community water points, built latrines and handed out sanitation and hygiene supplies.

  • East Africa Crisis Appeal

  • Donate to Christian Aid here 

The Bishops’ Appeal has launched an emergency appeal to raise funds for Christian Aid Ireland and Tearfund Ireland, who are working with partners in the regions to provide urgently needed humanitarian assistance. It is appealing for contributions from parishes and individuals throughout Ireland to help with the disaster relief efforts.

  • East Africa Emergency Appeal 

  • Donate to Bishop’s Appeal here     


  • Tearfund Powerpoint –  EAST AFRICA CRISIS APPEAL 2017

  • Tearfund Posters   A3 Poster  A4 Poster

  • Christian Aid Envelopes, Poster and Prayers – Church Resources