Update from Bishop Justin in Maridi
Bishop Justin writes:
Dear brother bishop Harold,
Lent season greetings to you from the Diocese of Maridi. It has taken me long to write to you due to inaccessibility of internet service. Amidst of all the challenges, we are pushing on well by God’s grace.
The Diocese is okay except two Archdeaconries that are displaced from their places and are now within the town. The situation within Maridi town is a bit fair except the scarcity of food and very high prices of commodities.
We continue to take the risk of talking with the conflicting parties not to continue causing more misery to their own people. This has made some positive impact in Maridi compared to the other places. Generally in the country the political situation is complex with deadlock in almost all areas.
The president have just declared a unilateral cease fire which we are yet to see how the will be adhered to.
Mama Joyce and the children are in Mukono. Thank you for the support you give that has enabled their stay there. Greetings to mama Liz and thank you.
+ Justin Badi
Bishop of Maridi