Day of Prayer for healing of our country
There will be a Day of Prayer for Our Land in Clonard Monastery, Belfast on Saturday, May 20 (1pm–5pm).
This follows two particularly blessed Days of Prayer which, under the auspices of Divine Healing Ministries, took place at St Anne’s Cathedral in September and Lisburn Cathedral in February.
May 20 is seen as providing an opportunity for people find God’s peace at a personal level as well as to pray for the nation in the countdown to another election. With all of that on our minds and in our hearts, this is a particularly significant moment in which to come together to seek God’s guidance and direction. For some, their peace may have been disturbed during the years of ‘The Troubles’. For others it may be be a case of anxieties, fears, and hurts that have arisen in recent times.
May 20 will be an opportunity to lay down those burdens, to forgive, to say sorry and to pray for the future of our country. The focal point will be a large plain wooden cross in a position of real prominence – right at the front of the church.
All of the prayer will be in silence, interspersed with short reflections every 30 minutes. And there will be a particular opportunity for clergy to gather around the cross at 1pm, with women doing the same at 3pm.
It is believed that the witness of clergy and leaders gathering together around the cross will have a profound impact, for which reason Divine Healing Ministries Director, Br. David Jardine, stressed: “The presence of clergy and leaders will be greatly appreciated.”
Fergus McMorrow, Deputy Director of DHM, added: “May 20 is for people to come as individuals before God and through that encounter – however long or short – to find His peace.”
Personal prayer will be available for anyone who wishes to receive it.
Refreshments will be available throughout the day.