• 09 June 2017

Details of 2017 Bible Week announced

Details of Bible Week 2017 have been finalised. 

The four–night event runs from Tuesday, August 29 to Friday, September 1 in Shankill Parish Church, Lurgan where the starting time each evening will be 7.45. 

The speaker for the series will be Bishop Greg Venables, Primate of the Anglican Church of South Amercia (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay).

With this being the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, the over–arching title of the series is ‘Accept No Imitations’.

Bishop Greg’s teaching each night will be based on St. Paul’s Letter to the persecuted early Christians in Rome. 

On Tuesday, August 29 he will teach from Romans 5, with the opening night’s key word being ‘Secure’.

On Wednesday, August 30, he will teach from Romans 6. That night’s emphasis will be ‘Renewed’.

On Thursday, August 31, Bishop Greg’s key word will be ‘Legal’ with his teaching based on Romans 7. 

Aptly, the final night’s teaching is entitled ‘Final’. That will be based on Romans 8