• 15 June 2017

Rugby ace Ruan and friends cycle for Tearfund and freedom

Ruan Pienaar’s seven–year sojourn in Northern Ireland in Northern Ireland is almost over.

 Due to a highly controversial decision by the Irish Rugby Football Union – his employers – Ulster Rugby’s South African star is having to leave the place he now calls home. He is bound for Montpellier, France.

 But before departing his adopted country, the Tearfund Ambassador delivered one final try to raise funds for a cause close to his heart.

 He came up with the idea of a ‘Cycle for Freedom’ and on Wednesday (June 14) it took place on the North Coast.

The aim was to raise £90,000 for global aid and development charity, Tearfund.

 A group of 30 cyclists from around the country, included two of Ruan’s Ulster teammates – Ireland international wing, Craig Gilroy and hooker and fellow–South African, Rob Herring.

 The funds they have raised will go towards protecting children at risk of trafficking, disease and disaster. Money is still coming in and if the group reach their target, they could protect up to 2,500 children across the world.

 Ruan’s support of Tearfund has been an important feature of his seven years in Northern Ireland,. Himself the father of two, he feels strongly about playing his part to protect the world’s most vulnerable, especially young children.

 Speaking ahead of the off from Coleraine, he said: “As a dad, I am passionate about using what is in my hands to help protect children around the world.

 “Trafficking is a global crime that affects the world’s most vulnerable. I am so moved by the many who have signed up for the Cycle for Freedom and believe that, together, we can make a real difference,”

 The aim of the Cycle for Freedom is to help protect children like Mazna, who found herself trafficked from her small village in rural India. Due to low income and lack of opportunity, her father sent her to a large city to carry out what he believed would be housework for a family friend.

 Instead, upon arrival, Mazna was immediately sold to a brothel.

 Mazna was eventually discovered by Tearfund’s partner, Oasis, who helped her work her way out of the brothel. Now, Mazna has returned home with her family.

 She said: “In my life, I never thought I would be released from this darkness. But Tearfund gave me the strength and confidence to keep fighting; they were always behind me and that’s why I won the race.”

 Speaking after the Cycle, even super–fit Ruan  admitted  the challenge had been difficult:

 “It was tough at times – mentally, very draining – but we all got through it. I think it was worth it, and hopefully we can  reach our target that will change vulnerable children’s lives.”

 Ruan and the Cycle for Freedom cyclists now invite you to join in their efforts by texting ‘FREEDOM’ followed by £3, £5 or £10 to 70122.

See Tearfund Cycle in Photo Gallery