An impassioned plea to fully grasp the Word of God
Wednesday night’s Bible Week teaching from Bishop Greg Venables began with an impassioned plea to all Christians to read and understand the Word of God.
“Why are we (the church) irrelevant?, he said. “Because we are not living the way God is saying. The church worldwide is a biblical church but it means nothing if Christians aren’t reading God’s Word and taking it seriously. I urge you to take God’s Word seriously and take time to read it.”
Turning to Romans 6, Bishop Greg gave some background to Paul’s Letter – “the most complete and important” of the epistles. It was, he said, written to the Christians in Rome so that they (Jews and Gentiles) would be united in their understanding of the gospel and be able to go from maintenance to mission.
Moving on, he explained that, “being a Christian means being completely forgiven and justified. We have peace with God now. Your future is assured and certain. You’re in Christ, that’s it. God’s word says it. You are forgiven, justified, born again and your future is certain!”
“Renewal is not being topped up, he continued. “Being renewed is being put back into the state you were in at first, before you were in sin.
“Simply believe the truth,” he urged the congregation, and don’t live in anxiety.
Dead to sin and alive in Christ, Bishop Greg asserted with the text that we could not live with a foot in both camps. With that in mind, as he closed, he invited his wife Sylvia to share her testimony.
Bishop Harold led us in a response at the end of the evening.
Bible Certificates
Wednesday of Bible Week is also the evening when we traditionally present certificates to those who have completed the Bishop’s Bible Course.
Five ‘graduates’ received their certificates from Bishop Harold: Darrell Stewart, Diane Herron (pictured), John Porte, Jenni Porte and Alan Paul. Each said how much they had enjoyed the two year curriculum.
Bishop Harold once again thanked the former rector of Drumbo, Revd Robert Neill, who devised and has delivered the Bible Certificate Course since autumn 2009. There will be no intake in 2017 but watch out for future developments in 2018.
The diocesan focus was on the development of young leaders and we heard from Jack Wilson from Moira Parish. Jack is going into his final year of a theology degree but spends a lot of his free time and summer holidays volunteering in youth work, including at the Kilbroney Adventure Camps.
He is also training to be a Diocesan Reader.
Jack began to get involved with youth in his parish after confirmation and has steadily grown into taking on more responsibility, which he has enjoyed immensely.
Bishop Harold expressed his gratitude to Jack and all the other young leaders who serve throughout the diocese and said how encouraged he was to see so many young people coming through the leadership ranks.
View a photo gallery from Wednesday night.
Listen again to the first two talks and short clips of Sylvia Venables.
Please join us tonight, Thursday 31 August, as we continue with Romans 7 – Legal.
The Bible Week is four nights of Bible teaching, worship, ministry and encouragement for the Diocese of Down and Dromore but anyone is welcome to come along.