• 04 August 2017

Glen Church Plant to saddle up for a sponsored cycle

A team from Glen Community Church plans to complete a 50 mile sponsored cycle as part of the church’s third birthday celebrations later this month.

Church Leader Stephen Doherty will be at the head of the small peloton intent on finishing the The Tour D’Ards around the coastal route of the Ards Peninsula.  

“This truly takes me way out of my comfort zone, quite literally!” says Stephen. “I haven’t been on a bicycle for many years, and I’ve never undertaken such an ambitious challenge personally. 

“I am probably one of the most unfit characters to take this on, but in support of the sustainability of our Church Plant, I’m willing to step up and step out.”

Glen Community Church is based on the Glen estate, Newtownards, an area of the town which has been recognised as a Small Pocket of Deprivation. 

They would love your support.

The church plant has been growing over the last three years, not only in numbers, but through initiatives (including Alpha) which grow disciples.

In addition to the worship services, Bible study and Alpha, Glen Community Church creatively serves and engages the local community through events and groups for all ages. Currently over 70 children and young people connect with the church through clubs and programmes whilst a good range of ages attends the weekly community drop–in lunch and breakfast groups.

To continue building community, the church arranges camping trips, outings and events to bring people together under the foundational pillars of: Love Jesus; Love People; Love Life.

The sponsored cycle will take place on Saturday 26th August and is an opportunity to donate and contribute towards the future of Glen Community Church. 

Please visit our Just Giving page www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/stephen-doherty.

By supporting this event, you will help the Church continue to implement the prayer adopted by them based on 2 Peter 3:18…

“Let us grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. To Him be glory, both now and forever. Amen.”