Revd Mervyn Jamison introduced in Drumbo
Bishop Harold has introduced Revd Mervyn Jamison (right) as Minister–in–Charge in Drumbo Parish.
Parishioners, family and supporters came along to the service on Tuesday 5 September which was led by the Area Dean, Revd Willie Nixon. Revd Carlton Baxter, curate in Magheralin and Dollingstown, gave the address and the rector of Comber, Canon Jonathan Barry led the prayers.
About Mervyn
In 2007, Mervyn was ordained as a Non–Stipendary Minister whilst still working full time. His first curacy was in St Mary’s Ballybeen, followed by St Mary’s Comber.
In October 2013 he was appointed as Minister–in–Charge of a new church plant in Moneyreagh, now known as Moneyreagh Community church (MCC).
In January 2015 having completed just over 30 years service with his previous employer, he became a stipendiary minister, still at MCC as it had grown from 12 people to around 70 and continues to grow.
He says: “We had never classed ourselves as church planters, however God has pushed us to what we thought were our limits and beyond!
“We have been truly blessed and humbled in our just under 4 years in MCC. We have met some amazing people, hungry for God and willing to do ‘whatever it takes’ to extend Christ’s kingdom on earth.
“We leave MCC saddened but with expectant hearts! There is now an established ‘Fellowship of Believers’ thriving in the community of Moneyreagh.”
Speaking of his new appointment to Drumbo, Mervyn said:
“We are excited about our move to ‘Holy Trinity Ballylesson in the Parish of Drumbo’ (HTB Drumbo, I do like abbreviations’!), and we ask for your prayers as we begin this new chapter in our ministry.”
Mervyn, a young 50,lives in Comber with his wife, Rosemary and they have 3 children, David, 20, Rory 18 and Rosalind 13. Rosemary and his family are an integral part of his ministry.
See some more photos here.
L–R: Revd Carlton Baxter, Bishop Harold Miller, Revd Mervyn Jamison and Canon Jonathan Barry.