Seminars will share the Better Story of God’s model for relationships
Love for Life is running a series of seminars aimed at helping people to understand, appreciate and share the better story of God’s model for relationships.
A Better Story will run over four Wednesday nights in Belfast Bible College during October and November. Read on to find out more:
When did you last hear some good news?
Maybe you regularly hear encouraging updates or have reason to celebrate, but all too often, it seems that we are listening to, and sharing negative news and hard stories. When it comes to our relationships, our attitudes toward marriage, sex and parenting, we can be quick to become despondent, disheartened and discouraged.
Is there a better story?
Culture today is presenting us with many so many mixed messages. It can be confusing. Sex and relationships have become something we consume … if it feels good…if no one is getting hurt…why not?
Is there a better story?
I wonder if we have lost our confidence? It seems that the church might have gone quiet or might even have lost her voice on these important issues.
As Christians surely we have something to say, something hopeful to share?
Is there a better story?
Love for Life is an independent Christian organisation with a vision to help young people value themselves, relationships and sex. We work with over 40 000 young people annually in schools and youth settings and tirelessly pursue our vision of young people understanding the value and worth and making choices in relationships which reflect those.
At Love for Life, we believe that God’s ways are best. We believe that God’s model for our relationships and sexuality is the best. It is our heart to equip Christians to dig deep into scripture and have the opportunity to share in learning from gifted people who are passionate about this particular area of discipleship.
Imagine if the church rediscovered its confidence in the scriptures and was courageous in sharing the better story that we have to offer as an alternative to the often confusing and sad news that culture presents regarding relationships and sexuality.
We would love you to join us as we learn together, share together and stand together to understand, appreciate and share the better story of God’s model for our relationships.
Gathering over four nights in Belfast Bible College, starting at 7.30 each evening, we will take time to hear from the contributors, there will be an opportunity to discuss the input and ask questions of the speakers too. Why not gather a friends and come along to this exciting series?
Wednesday 11 October
A Better Story: God, sex and human flourishing with Glynn Harrison
Wednesday 25th October
A Better Story for Marriage with Dr Olwyn Mark
Wednesday 8th November
A Better Story for Mother and Baby with Both lives matter
Wednesday 22nd November
A Better Story for Church
Leadership, society and our young people with Rt. Rev Ken Good, Peter Lynas and Wilson Beare
There has never been a more timely need for the church to understand, celebrate and share Gods model for relationships.
To book your place for these seminars, visit: