• 09 October 2017

The Churchwardens filling their Dads’ shoes

In a neat and unplanned piece of symmetry, the current Churchwardens at Christ Church Kilkeel – Maureen Teggarty and Andrew McBride – are both following in their fathers’ footsteps. Moreover, Maureen’s dad, Ernest, and Andrew’s dad, Noel, served as wardens alongside each other all those years ago.

Maureen (People’s Warden) and Andrew (Rector’s Warden) spoke about their past and present experience of the role of Churchwarden for Kilkeel Parish magazine. Perhaps their thoughts below will encourage you to step forward at your next Annual General Vestry!

Maureen (pictured above with Yorkie the dog)

Andrew and I get on well get on well and it is an absolute joy to meet and greet people as they come to worship on a Sunday.

I’ve been thinking back to when my dad was warden. He spent several years in one role or another. Revd D B Hutchinson had him as Rector’s Warden, he served Canon J T McCammon as People’s Warden and Revd H N Pedlow as Rector’s Warden.

Every time dad went to church he knelt down to pray both when he arrived and before he left. He was always on the lookout for visiting preachers or the Bishop, meeting them at their car, he carried their brief case and left it in the vestry and saw them to their car when they were leaving.

I got to know many rectors and visiting speakers over the years. There was lunch at our home for them where they were served and then left to take a nap by the open fire. 

Dad loved to give the children a prayer book, hymn book and sometimes the collection plate too as they entered the services.

My memories of dad are of a humble man who loved the Bible being read aloud in church. This was a highlight of his Sunday. His shoes were always shining and his Sunday suit was brushed before leaving home.

It is a privilege for me to stand where he stood, in the porch getting to know the congregation; without God’s help I could not do the job of warden. I am very thankful for all those who support and encourage me.


When I was much younger, my dad was a warden along with Maureen’s father, Ernest. I hadn’t really taken on board what he was doing but all I knew was that he’d speak to people for ages in the car park and I’d be very bored while thinking ‘how can anyone talk so much about boring stuff’.

Now the experience of years has shown the value of relationships; relationships built within the family of the Church and blessed by Christ. I am really pleased to be working alongside Maureen as our fathers worked alongside each other and I am really glad that she is there keeping me on my toes!

Since agreeing to be warden God really has been equipping me and teaching me so much in the process. One thing that the wardens have to do is be into church early, and anyone who knows me would say that this is not one of my strong points having turned up to church ‘almost’ on time for many years. Being there that little bit earlier has introduced me to a whole new aspect of church, and that is the strength of community we have. 

For many years turning up right on the bell and filing out at the end of the service meant that the number of people I had contact with was reasonably limited, however now I am seeing and speaking to so many more people and am much more aware of the great community we have in Christ Church. I would encourage all members of the congregation to come early and have a wander around to chat to people before finding your seats!

I very much appreciate the prayers of the congregation and the warmth of welcome Maureen and I have received.