• 14 December 2017

Twelve baptisms celebrated in St Brendan’s, Sydenham

There was great cause for celebration in Sydenham on Sunday 10 December as twelve adults and young people were baptised. 

Aged from 10–56, some were brand new Christians whilst others were long standing church members making their decision publicly through baptism for the first time.

St Brendan’s has seen a series of new initiatives under Commissioned Parish Worker, Joe Turner, who is working under Revd Tom Keightly (retired).

Tom took the baptism service and Joe (on the right) with the help of John Menagh, baptised each candidate into a pool (actually a hot tub!) hired for the evening.

The candidates were all baptised in ‘Raised to Life’ t–shirts bought especially for the occasion.

Joe takes up the story

“Our baptismal service on Sunday past was a tremendous success. We had twelve baptisms and I must admit to feeling that the number is significant. The number twelve in the Bible symbolises God’s power and authority and also government and foundation, I certainly see God’s hand on everything we have achieved so far in Sydenham.

“In mid–September we began an Alpha Course and were really encouraged that even though we had 21 people registered 35 turned up on our first night. The course finished recently with three folks making a decision to follow Jesus after church on different Sunday mornings. 

“A few months ago we created a youth room for our amazing young people to provide a space just to hang out and be together after church and on Saturday evenings. The week after we completed it two A Level students and a fifth year student – Lauren, Robyn and Beth – accepted Jesus as their Saviour in that very room after church on Sunday night. About three weeks later Lauren’s mum followed suit. Lauren’s brother Cameron, had made a commitment shortly after I arrived so now there are three new Christians from one family in the church.

“We have a discipleship group on WhatsApp for new Christians where we have daily discussions of our structured daily readings. The discussions at times have been mind–blowing to say the least!

“Recognising the importance of being rooted and grounded in Christ, we begin our first discipleship course in January. This will keep our successful Alpha group together and press a bit deeper into what it means to be an army of believers who each walk with God  daily.” 

The church has planned a number of events in 2018 from Holy Week to a joint venture with John Menagh from Willowfield Parish called Heaven’s Gates Hell’s Flames (March 18 –20). There’ll be Fun Days throughout the summer and a week of mission in the last week of September 2018.

“I realise we are dreaming big! says Joe, “but I believe that the God that we serve can do exceedingly abundantly beyond what we can ask or think. At St Brendan’s we are simply creating the environment for the Holy Spirit to do what only He can do. In Sydenham we call this REVOLUTION!  To God be all the glory great things He has done.”

Revd Tom Keightly addresses the candidates.