Introducing this year’s Quiet Day speaker
Charles Marnham has been a minister in the Church of England for over 40 years serving in churches both in the north of England and central London. He is currently the Vicar of St Michael’s Chester Square, London. Together with his wife Tricia he started The Alpha Course in 1977. He is an Honorary Canon of St Paul’s Cathedral.
He is a consulting editor and senior fellow of The Kairos Journal, an on–line resource for pastors and preachers and is also on the leadership team of Biblemesh, which combines a deep passion for Scripture with excellent scholarship to provide on–line theological education for the people of God.
At a time when the authority of Scripture is under attack both inside and outside the church, Charles is keen to encourage God’s leaders to have fresh confidence in their calling and in the power of the gospel to transform lives.
The Quiet Day is an annual event for the clergy and Church Army workers in the diocese and is held on Shrove Tuesday.