• 08 January 2018

Killyleagh Parish look forward to opening their new hall

The folks at Killyleagh are putting the finishing touches to their new Parish Hall before it is officially opened and dedicated on 21 January.

The original Church Hall, located at the gates of the church, was built in 1869 as a Sunday School. It served the parish, its people and the community well for generations.

But with limited facilities and in a poor state of repair. The Vestry began deliberations to replace it in 2005.

After considering alternative sites, a decision was taken to build a 2–storey replacement hall on the same site (see below).

Planning permission was granted in 2012. After time–consuming legal issues were addressed and drawn out  negotiations with the Housing Executive for a small piece of additional land were completed, a contractor was appointed.

Demolition of the existing hall started in December 2016, with foundations for the New Hall laid in 2017.

With the building complete, the rector, Revd Colin Darling, and parishioners, are looking forward a new chapter of ministry and engagement with the community. More to come!

Visit the parish website to see more photos of how the work has progressed.