Confirmation season has begun!
The 2018 season has begun with the confirmation of eight young people at The Church on the Hill, Magahaberry, on Sunday 18 March.
This year Bishop Harold is preaching on the theme Wherever You Go and the readings are Joshua 1:1–9 and John 14:1–14.
Where possible, the bishop meets with the candidates and their families beforehand and during the service we hear some personal testimony from at least one candidate.
The team from DDYC will be there supporting the parishes as they celebrate this milestone in the lives of their young people.The confirmees all receive gift bags and afterwards, the whole congregation is invited for desserts (supplied by the parish). DDYC bring the chocolate fountain and popcorn machine to the party!
The next confirmation service will be hosted by Seagoe Parish at 7.00 pm on Palm Sunday and will include candidates from Aghalee and Knocknamuckley.
Please pray for all those who will be confirmed this year.
The confirmees are pictured below with (far right) Bishop Harold, the minister of Maghaberry, Revd Clare Kakuru, and Revd Harold Agnew, Portadown District Superintendent for the Methodist Church (far left).