Forgiveness the theme for Bishop Harold’s Holy Week series in Lurgan
On the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of Holy Week Bishop Harold will speak in Shankill Parish Church, Lurgan, on the theme of ‘Forgiveness’. As is the tradition, people from many of the town churches will come together to walk through these three days.
Bishop Harold says:
“Surely there can be no more important issue than ‘Forgiveness’ in our lives, our relationships, our churches and our province. It is a theme I have often avoided for two reasons. One is that I might be seen as a hypocrite, because none of us exercises forgiveness perfectly in our own lives. The other is that I know there are people who will be present who have gone through truly traumatising experiences, and I wonder how they can possibly forgive those who have hurt them so badly. But, alongside that, I know that forgiveness can bring amazing freedom, and that it is the way of Christ.”
Wednesday : God’s amazing forgiveness of us
Thursday: Forgiving others as Christ forgave
Friday: The freedom of forgiving ourselves
The services begin at 7.45 pm each evening. Everyone is welcome.