• 30 March 2018

Intern Programme Willowfield Church

Come for a year and join a church that is passionate about sharing the gospel with this generation and seeing Him work powerfully in people’s lives.

4 Intern Options: General, Outreach, Kids and Youth


Those aged 18 – 30 years old who want to be challenged in their Christian faith and see God move in and through them as we reach out into the local community. 


Starts Monday 10 September 2018 – finishes sometime in August 2019.


£1,500 GBP for the year (which covers accommodation, utilities, internet access and ministry and training costs). Food, leisure activities and travel to and from the placement are not included.

The aim of the programme is to:

  • Equip you for LIFE – through a year–long Bible–based discipleship Programme 

  • Equip you for WORK & MINISTRY – through practical experience working with the church and in the community through a range of outreach ministries 

  • Equip you for LEADERSHIP – through opportunities to discover and develop your leadership skills, style and vision.

Places our limited so early enquiries are recommended.

For further information please contact: James Myles on 07880 874965 or email james@wpcabelfast.co.uk or check out the Willowfield website.

(Willowfield Church is a Church of Ireland parish in East Belfast).