Sign up for GDPR and charity accounting seminars for parishes
The RCB in conjunction with Ecclesiastical Insurance is holding a series of seminars in Northern Ireland to support parishes with GDPR and charities accounting.
The schedule of seminars confirmed are:
Derry: Diocesan Centre in Derry at 7.00 pm on Monday 9 April.
Belfast: Crowne Plaza Hotel, Milltown Road, Shaw’s Bridge, Belfast at 7.00 pm on 10 April.
Armagh: Synod Hall in Church House at 7.00 pm on 12 April.
The agenda will include:
Presentation on specifics to be included in Parish accounts for Parish Treasurers – presented by Kate Williams, Head of Finance, RCB
Overview on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), presented by Rebekah Fozzard, Manager – Special Projects, RCB
A number of seminars have already being held in Northern Ireland during 2016 and 2017 already on charities reporting. Those treasures in Diocese who have not had their first reporting to CCNI will find the seminars very useful.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) significantly changes UK and Northern Ireland Data Protection law, strengthening the rights of individuals and increasing the obligations on all organisations to protect personal data.
Dioceses and Parishes will have to ensure they are fully compliant with GDPR, which comes into effect on the 25 May 2018.
Who should attend?
This meeting is open to all members of select vestry and will be of particular relevance to Clergy, Parish Treasurers and Parish Secretaries. Please share this invitation with members of your Select Vestry and encourage as many representatives to attend as possible.
parishes are asked to give Patricia Wilson ( an indication of numbers that might attend by 12 noon, Thursday, 5 April.