• 23 April 2018

Belfast couple bound for Cambodia

Two Willowfield parishioners are about to take the momentous step of moving to Cambodia. Mark and Liz Fetherstonhaugh first developed a concern for the country in 2008 and have been regularly visiting and taking volunteer teams since then. Now they are planning to settle permanently and establish their first day–care centre for preschool children at risk from exploitation and trafficking.

Eighteen months ago the couple founded a charity, Eggshell Cambodia, to provide protection and bring hope to some of the huge numbers of vulnerable children living in indescribably bad conditions.

“Most of the NGOs focus on education and the slightly older children so Eggshell Cambodia is unique in its outreach to under–fives,” explains Mark. “These children are highly vulnerable – an unscrupulous neighbour or even family member may well attempt to sell them. There is no running water, sanitation or electricity and the community is swamped by sewage and rubbish. Children as young as one or two are left on their own as their parents try to earn a living. Small children may be drugged, tethered or simply left to fend for themselves for hours on end while their parents are away. Many of the teenagers and young adults are addicted to alcohol and drugs and they’re likely to prey upon and exploit the smaller children to fund their habits.”

In January, the Board of Trustees gave Mark and Liz the go–ahead to move to Cambodia and establish the first of what they hope are many, preschool day–care centres. They have left their jobs and were commissioned on Sunday 15 April in Willowfield Parish Church. They move to Phnom Penh on Wednesday 25 April.

“After a couple of days to get over the jet–lag we will hit the ground running; we’ve intensive language classes, extensive meetings, a home to find and an unbelievable amount of bureaucracy,” they said. “We return to Belfast for the month of July and then back out, the plan being that if God lines everything up we open the first Eggshell Cambodia Day–Care Centre around the start of September.”

The day–care centre will be situated where there is very little infrastructure, few jobs, high drink and drug dependency, and a great many “at risk” children. Each child will benefit from basic healthcare, nutrition, clean clothing, early learning education and play, all in a stable environment where they can be made aware of “stranger danger” and enjoy healthy relationships. All of this will give the children a solid start, preparing them for school and life in their community.  

Where possible Eggshell Cambodia will source as much product and labour as possible from within the village, the intention being that the day–care centre will become increasingly self–sufficient, locally run but centrally accountable, empowering and enriching the local community. Mark and Liz’s vision is that this centre will be the first of a large network.

Moving to Cambodia has, however, a bitter–sweet taste, especially as they leave behind Liz’s elderly parents and anticipate becoming grandparents for the first time in July.

 “We want to say a special thank you to our families for all the support, encouragement and prayers that they have given us in what they are about to do. Please pray for us as we set out.”

Pray for:  

  • Peace and grace for Liz in leaving her parents who are both in their nineties

  • For the safe arrival of their first grandchild to Craig and Sarah

  • The opening of the day–care centre so that the most at risk children and families are helped and reached

  • That God would continue to speak, guide and provide as Mark and Liz pursue the vision he has given them.

If you would like to know more, and/or consider becoming a supporter, please visit www.eggshellcambodia.com.