Dean Hull becomes rector of LAMP
Dean Henry Hull was instituted as rector of Lecale Area Mission Partnership (LAMP) at the beginning of the service of confirmation in Down Cathedral on Sunday 27 May.
Henry had been leading the partnership since its inception in 2015 but has become rector as required by the Constitution of the Church of Ireland.
The LAMP mission grouping comprises 14 churches drawn from three parish groups – Lecale, Down and Bright, Ballee, Killough and Rathmullan – and currently ministers to over 500 households.
Resources are continually under review to better reach and serve this beautiful and largely rural part of the diocese which fans out from Downpatrick to Seaforde and out along the coast to Ardglass and Tyrella.
Henry leads a team that includes two other full–time clergy – Revd Scott McDonald (Down) and Revd Adrian Dorrian (Bright, and Director of Children’s and Youth Ministry) plus several retired colleagues.