ME sufferer Joanne wants to mobilise churches to pray
Joanne McDonald is a parishioner of Donaghadee Parish Church and for six years has suffered from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). She is currently housebound but is part of a campaign to mobilise churches to pray for the healing of this very debilitating but misunderstood illness. The campaign is particularly focused on ME/CFS Awareness Week from 7–13 May.
Joanne explains…
Until six years ago I was a healthy individual, who between family, work and church, had a very happy life. After falling ill with thyroditis from which I never really recovered, a neurologist diagnosed me with ME/CFS. I was told at the time that there was no cure and learning to manage it was the only way forward. Unfortunately that is still the case today.
My life has changed drastically since then. I have had to give up my job, I can no longer attend church and family life has turned upside down with me being cared for instead of me caring for them. As someone once told me ‘this disease won’t kill you but it will rob you of your life.’ and that’s just how it feels.
So for the past two years I have been learning to live with this illness. I pray to God many times throughout each day and I thank him for I know His love, presence, care and provision in countless ways. I have never given up hope that he will heal this disease.
It’s a long story but a month ago I was led to join an internet forum called Christians with ME/CFS and a few weeks later a lady called Kathryn joined too. Within a very short space of time we realised that we had the same aspiration, and that is to get as many people praying to God for the healing of this disease. To that end we are approaching as many churches and individuals as possible to pray for an end to this illness during ME/CFS Awareness Week from 7–13 May. We believe that God hears our prayers and in his time will answer them in his way.
Please lend your voice to ours this May.
Please pray:
for ME/CFS sufferers and their families
for their carers
for healing
for a cure and effective treatment
for those carrying out research
for funding for research
Find out more about the illness and prayer initiative from this flyer.