• 04 May 2018

The Dock still open for business as Chris and Susan set off

The Dock remains open for business as Chris Bennett and his wife Susan set off in their campervan for a year–long adventure. 

The couple are fulfilling an ambition to travel but they also hope that it will be a year to listen to God and renew their faith and joy. They describe it as a cross between a sabbatical, a career break and a holiday.

And what of the Dock Café and the Titanic community that they’ve left behind? Chris says:

We’ve spent the last few months trying to lay the foundations for things we love and care about to keep thriving while we’re away. So, both The Dock and The Wee Tram will blossom and flourish in our absence, giving the fantastic people in each the chance to do their stuff!  

So it’s business as usual in Titanic Quarter with the hugely popular Honesty Box Café run by Michael, the prayer garden, and a great community of volunteers, regulars and tourists. About 400 people a day stream through The Dock and at the time of writing its TripAdvisor rating is # 2 of 1150 places to eat in Belfast.

Bishop Harold was at Chris and Susan’s farewell party in The Dock. He said:

“Chris Bennett is a one–off! He has a very particular set of gifts, and I can’t think of anyone else who would have been able to set up the Dock in the Titanic Quarter in the way that he did.

“Chris was totally engaged and consumed with the vision for building community in the Titanic Quarter and creating a place where people would gather from all parts of Belfast and indeed all parts of the world. His vision was for a place of warmth, welcome and hospitality and also a sense of God’s presence. All of that has been achieved in quite a remarkable way and that is Chris and Susan’s legacy as they set off on their travels.

“We hope and trust that The Dock will go from strength to strength and that Chris and Susan will be blessed in their time of rest after achieving such remarkable success in Titanic.”

View a photo gallery here (with thanks to Bishop Harold).