Introducing Diocesan Evangelist, Norman Gibson
I am a son, a husband, a father and a grandfather; being commissioned as a Diocesan Evangelist on my 62nd birthday.
I was born into a Protestant family and I attended a Brethren Assembly for most of my early life (although sporadically in later years). I found my spiritual feet within the Presbyterian Church and my wings (humanly speaking) within the Church of Ireland. However, I neither consider myself Protestant, Brethren, Presbyterian nor Church of Ireland – I am first and foremost a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ.
I have also become increasingly convinced that we worship a God who delights in order and whilst we need to leave clear, uninterrupted space for the action and intervention of the Holy Spirit, there is a clear Biblical mandate for disciplined and structured worship.
On my second Sunday in Christ Church Kilmore I was feeling lost, hurting, and lonely (and struggling with an unfamiliar Prayer Book). Bishop Harold’s Mission 2015 promotional DVD was played as part of the service and as I sat in the pew that morning I clearly heard God’s calling on my life.
In the subsequent years, God has richly blessed me and provided me with more opportunities for ministry, mission and evangelism that I could ever have imagined. I now serve as a CAP volunteer in Mid–Down with the tremendous privilege of bring practical and spiritual help to families in their time of crisis. I also find myself in the sometimes–stretching role as Manager of the growing and progressing Kerygma choir – another off–shoot of Mission 2015.
On commissioning, I am to serve as Diocesan Evangelist and Outreach Co‑Ordinator in my home Parish. I am looking forward to the challenges of strengthening community relations and building a united Christian witness in the Crossgar–Kilmore area.