An exciting new opportunity for choral scholars at Down Cathedral
Situated in the heart of County Down, Down Cathedral sits on the hill where Saint Patrick is reputed to have been buried many centuries ago.
Music has always been a key feature in the Cathedral worship alongside a very dedicated choir, superb organ and excellent acoustics.
With the very generous assistance of the local Frackleton Trust, we invite you to apply for a new choral scholarship scheme which starts in September 2018. This is targeted at young singers between 17 and 25 years old who would really like to develop their musical skills.
The successful candidates will work with the existing very experienced and loyal Cathedral choir of mixed voices.
The choral scholars will benefit from:
• Financial support
• Regular performance opportunities
• Experience in traditional and modern choral repertoire
• Vocal training
• Improved sight reading and aural skills
• Enhanced musical awareness
Interested? For more information and an application form please contact:
Michael McCracken
Director of Music, Down Cathedral
M: 07773 846028
Closing date: Friday 17 August 2018