Death of Revd Berni McAvoy
After a long battle with cancer, Berni passed into the closer presence of the Lord on Sunday 22 July at 9.40pm, in the Newry Hospice. Her funeral service, which she has entitled ‘A Celebration of Life’ will take place in St Patrick’s Church, Newry, on Wednesday at 1.00 pm.
Berni was ordained deacon at a special service in Saul Church last October. It was a great sadness to her that she was never to be ordained priest in this world, but she was also aware that her role as a priest would be fulfilled in her offering of the sacrifice of praise before the throne of the One whom she so dearly loved.
Berni was born in Newry, and her faith came alive for her through her mother’s involvement in the early days of the Christian Renewal Centre in Rostrevor.
Bishop Harold writes: “Berni was a passionate follower of Jesus Christ, with a lively and inquiring mind, and a great sense of humour. She loved studying theology, and had a wide range of experience of the wider church from her journey of faith. Being with her in these last days has been a privilege beyond measure. My last moments with her were spent planning her funeral service, which she had worked through in great detail. We will greatly miss her, but with the absolute assurance that she is ‘absent from the body, present with the Lord”.