A vision of God and more to come
This year’s Bible Week began with a great sense of anticipation as Bishop Grant LeMarquand opened the Book of Revelation to teach on the first of the throne visions.
The prospect of hearing clear exposition of this complex and often misunderstood book of the New Testament filled the church to capacity and we were not disappointed. Bishop Grant gave us context and unpacked the symbolism of Revelation 4–5, whetting our appetites for the chapters to come.
We were also joined by local MP, Mr Gavin Robinson, and the Presbyterian Moderator, Rt Revd Charles Mullen who shared the reading of the Bible passages. Diocesan reader, Karen McAlpine led the intercessions.
It was an evening of uplifting worship, especially having dwelt at length on this glorious vision which Bishop Grant summed up below:
“It is a vision which exalts God as holy, as the creator as the saviour. It is a vision in which the lamb who was slain is given equal glory with the one on the throne. It is a vision which tells us who we are – unworthy sinners and servants redeemed by the blood of Christ, enthroned as priests and kings to rule with him in his creation and yet, still knowing our unworthiness.
“This is our destiny to stand – no, to fall before the throne in wonder love and praise.”
Join us tonight, Wednesday, for A Vision of the Church.
Listen again to Bishop Grant speak on A Vision of God.