• 03 August 2018

“Jesus is going to win!”

That’s the essential message of the Book of Revelation which we’ll be studying with Bishop Grant LeMarquand (right) during Bible Week at the end of August.

Revelation holds a fascination for many Christians who for two millennia have sought to understand the often confusing and difficult imagery. 

But don’t be put off, for this is a book that’s extremely relevant for our time.

Bishop Grant explains: “It was written to a group of people who were facing oppression and suffering – a group of people whose faith was being challenged by the authorities and by those within the church, so it’s a book that has so much to say to us today.” 

Grant will be leading us in four studies looking at the throne visions in Revelation. 

He says, “The throne is the central image of this book and the fact that God is on the throne helps us to understand that God is sovereign, that God is in control, no matter what’s going on in the world.”

“So, we’ll be exploring these different passages in the Book of Revelation which assure us that no matter what is happening to us, no matter what is happening to the Church, no matter what is happening in the world, God is in control.

“Jesus is going to win!”

We very much hope you’ll join us as we explore some of these incredibly wonderful passages from God’s word. 

Worship and Bible teaching from 28–31 August each evening at 7.45 pm in Willowfield Church, Belfast.


  • Tuesday 28 August: A Vision of God (Rev 4–5)

  • Wednesday 29 August: A Vision of the Church (Rev 7)

  • Thursday 30 August: A Vision of Judgement (Rev 20)

  • Friday 31 August: A Vision of the New Heaven and the New Earth (Rev 21–22)

Find out more here.