Meet Revd Peter Hilton
Peter Hilton has been ordained deacon to serve an internship in Hillsborough Parish:
I grew up in East Belfast and remember attending St. Finnian’s Cregagh as a child. In my teenage years, I drifted away from church, refusing to believe that there was a God, and happy to argue with anyone who thought differently. I even refused to get confirmed!
My parents and Rector prayerfully and patiently endured those years, and in my final year of school, I encountered God in a powerful way, one night as a read a secular book in my room. It was a strange experience, but it left me in no doubt that God was very real!
Following this, I committed my life to Christ. This altered my career choice dramatically. Instead of studying Law, I chose to do a combined degree of Theology of English Literature. Following my degree, two other significant things happened. I got married to Gemma. We currently live in Bangor, and have two primary aged children. I also set out as a Youth Worker, and spent 10 years in St. Finnian’s, feeling called to lead and disciple the young people of the Parish in the faith.
During that time, I established strong links with The Leprosy Mission, a Christian charity who reach out to people shunned and shamed by society. My experiences with The Leprosy Mission have given me a passion to reach out to those in need and shown me time and again that God can work in the lives of people who are without hope. At present, I’m the Church and School Engagement Officer for The Leprosy Mission and combine this with my part–time studies for ordination.
I’m excited to begin my Deacon Internship and look forward to joining the ministry team at Hillsborough Parish and experience how God is at work in their midst.
View a photo gallery of the candidates and bishops here.
View a Facebook album of the service here.