Race to complete CS Lewis church roof repairs before major celebration
Work is underway to complete urgent repairs to the roof of a landmark church in East Belfast with strong connections to C.S. Lewis. St Marks Dundela, which this month celebrates 140 years since its consecration, has suffered leaks and internal damage to the church building over the past few years, and is delighted to have received a grant of £5000 from the National Churches Trust to assist in completing the repairs and keeping the building dry.
St Marks has many connections to the famous author C.S. Lewis, who was baptised in the church, and it is hoped that the roof works will be completed before a dramatic flower festival celebrating his life and faith at the end of September.
The 150 feet high tower of St Marks is visible across Belfast, and the church is used by the local community for services, and as a concert venue for visiting choirs and local schools. There are regular church tours for visitors interested in C.S. Lewis, who spent his childhood in East Belfast. He visited his grandfather in the Old Rectory of St Marks, with its famous lion doorknob, said to have inspired Aslan, the lion in the Narnia series.
The repair works are due to last 5 weeks and will replace slates, gutters and damaged stonework, protecting the building against further damage from the elements.
The Rector, Rev Helene T Steed, (pictured above) said: “It is a privilege to worship in this wonderful Grade A listed building, but it has its maintenance challenges. We are so grateful to the National Churches Trust for partnering with us and providing this grant. We hope to welcome hundreds of visitors to celebrate completion of the work and enjoy music, talks, readings, refreshments and magnificent floral displays on the theme ‘A Seed is Sown: A Celebration of C.S. Lewis and Faith in Harvest–tide’.”
Visit the St Mark’s Dundela website for more information about the flower festival.