Youth worker and youtuber with a passion for theology
Twenty–one–year–old Andrew Watson has just taken up the Youth Worker post at St Columbanus, Ballyholme. He’s fresh from studying theology at Queen’s University Belfast and is looking forward to getting to know the young people of the parish and to running the programme there.
However, there’s more to Andrew than meets the eye. He’s also a budding ‘youtuber’ with his own channel called All Things Theology.
He explains: “The YouTube channel, was something I started after finishing uni. During my time at Queen’s people always asked me about theology and told me that they wished they could learn more about it. I could appreciate their wonder at learning new things about our faith because every time I learned something new I wanted to share it. I’ve always wished that theology was more accessible.
“The idea of creating a YouTube channel came to me one day – one where I would talk about some of the things I’ve learned about Christianity, both in and out of uni – and I couldn’t seem to get it out of my head. So I started looking on YouTube to see if there was anything similar and couldn’t seem to find anything; so I got out my camera, sat down and started recording the videos.
“My first few attempts weren’t all that successful; I was a total beginner with filming and spent a long time working out how to use video editing software. But the more I did it the easier it became, until I eventually felt ready to record the videos for real.
“I’ve been amazed at how many people have watched and enjoyed them, because I really wasn’t expecting it to go as well as it has. The response has been entirely positive and I plan to make many more!”