Encouraging news from our church plants
The Church Planting programme in Down and Dromore began in 2015. It plants in brand new locations and replants into existing situations as we seek to reach unchurched people with the gospel. Read on for encouraging updates from our five church plants:
Moneyreagh Community Church led by Rory Blake–Knox
It has been amazing to see God ministering in and through our church over five years. We recently celebrated our 5th birthday with over 100 worshippers coming along having started with 16 people on that very first Sunday.
We have seen local people come to faith and become part of our worshipping community as well as growing in their walk with God. As well as our morning service we now hold an evening service once a month; three Life Groups run bi–weekly; we hold regular community events and our youth and kids ministry has grown through investing in a part–time Youth/Kids Worker. We now have a kids’ club, youth club, creche, youth church and school’s work.
We were blessed to host a mission team from St. Aldate’s in Oxford in July who helped us run our community week of kids’ clubs, youth nights, free community lunches, Street Reach, a family fun day as well as our church services on the Sunday. This was a time of meeting new people, building new relationship and seeing people connect with God. Currently we are running an Alpha course in the local pub, ‘The Auld House’.
We are excited moving forward to see God build his Kingdom in Moneyreagh and beyond as we are obedient to him and seek him in everything. Our hope and prayer is that of Genesis 28 v.16–17, that people of all ages will say, as Jacob did, will say: “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I didn’t even know it”….”How awesome is this place, it is none other than the house of God”
Braniel Community Church (currently led by a ministry team)
Over the summer we held two fun nights of Burgers & Bouncingout in the community. Both were brilliant evenings with lots of local folks coming along. One resident said: “As a resident it is great to see something positive for the young people in our community – well done to everyone.” This was followed by Banter Weekwith Dream Scheme. We held aCommunity Quizearlier this month and our next community event is Light up Branielon the 31 October. We are now well known in the community and this is reflected by attendance at such events and positive feedback.
On Sundays we have an average attendance of 32 people with the family service often attracting around 45 worshippers. New people continue to turn up which is really encouraging but getting regular weekly attendance continues to be a challenge.
The Kids’ Club has around 20 children each week and we also run a Youth Club. We continue with a soup and prayer lunch once a month and worship and prayer nights, including both a week of prayer and a night of prayer.
Glen Community Church led by Stephen Doherty
The Glen has a comprehensive midweek programme with a couple of projects that are new this term. With the Parents Breakfast Clubwe are working alongside the local school in an attempt to reach out to parents. We’re offering a healthy breakfast as well as support and encouragement for parenting by providing visits from external agencies (CAB, CAP, special needs in education, etc). The school principal is on hand with advice and me and some of my team serve and invite prayer opportunities.
Open House is a joint initiative with the local Community Association offering locals a specified time where they can access employment support, housing advice, prayer, and food provided by ASDA through the fareshare scheme.
As well as our main Sunday gathering each morning, GCC also hosts an evening bible study series with follow–ups throughout the week through Life Groups. We also operate a Prayer Room offering a weekly opportunity for corporate prayer and Alpha will run again this autumn.
GCC Youth & Kids currently attracts some 50 local children and young people. We have a fantastic team of voluntary leaders who are providing exceptional programmes with excellent activities, crafts, outings and experiences. Not forgetting the older members of our community, GCC Seniors brings them together for weekly projects and outings including knitting Trauma Teddies for the emergency services.
Killicomaine pioneered by Jim Fleming
Jim Fleming is employed by Seagoe Parish to pioneer a new Christian community in Killicomaine, Craigavon. Jim is part–time in the role and works out of Killicomaine Community Centre. Regular outreach initiatives include a CAP Job Club, Men’s Club and Alpha Course. Jim is working closely with other churches in the area.
Killough led by Colin Irwin
Over the last three years Colin Irwin and his core group of volunteers have built a successful ministry to children and young people in Killough. They run a weekly drop–in out of the church hall (St Anne’s) and the Messy Church ministry works closely with the Roman Catholic church and reaches 50–60 families.