New face at CAP Lurgan Debt Centre
Christians Against Poverty (CAP) has announced there will be a new face at a free Lurgan debt counselling service.
Ruth Waddell is to lead the CAP Lurgan Debt Centre, based at Magheralin Parish Church, Newforge Road, Magheralin, which works to help people escape overwhelming personal debts.
She said: “I am delighted to have been recently appointed to manage the running of the Lurgan Debt Centre.
“From working as a volunteer for CAP over the last seven or eight years now, I know our local community’s needs and I really want to be part of the solution. As a supporter of CAP for several years, I have seen their in–depth care and professionalism transform countless lives.“
The Lurgan Centre, which opened in 2009, is one of around 300 CAP Debt Centres across the UK, helping to date over tens of thousands of people every year. Ruth and her team offer home visits to some of Northern Ireland’s most desperate and isolated people, supporting them until they become debt free.
Ruth said: “The great thing about CAP’s free service is that it is available to everyone. If you know things are out of control and you’re stressed, missing meals or sleep, please give us a call and let us help you get your life back on track.”
Find out more about CAP at or call 0800 328 0006.