Dates for your diary in 2019
Advance notice of just some of the events coming up in the diocese and wider church in 2019. We hope you’ll join us.
06 January: Commissioning of Roberta Macartney as MU Diocesan President
09 February: Saturday Night Live hosted by Orangefield Parish (youth event)
05 March: Clergy Quiet Day in St Ignatius, Carryduff
06 March: Ash Wednesday
08–10 March: Confirmation Youth Weekend 2019
18 March: St Patrick’s Day Celebrations at Saul Church and Down Cathedral
24 March: Commissioning of June Butler as MU All–Ireland President
19 April: Good Friday
21 April: Easter Sunday
06 April: Saturday Night Live hosted by Down Cathedral (youth event)
16–18 May: General Synod, Millenium Forum, Derry
01 June: Saturday Night Live (youth event, venue to be announced)
08 June: Essentials Training Day (youth and children’s leaders)
07–09 June: Albany Convention
20 June: Down & Dromore Diocesan Synod (Jethro centre, Lurgan)
28 June–02 July: Summer Madness
28 July–1 August Kilbroney Adventure Camp for Juniors
2 August–6 August Middle Kilbroney Adventure Camp
7–11 August Kilbroney Adventure Camp for Seniors
12–14 August J.A.M. Camp
27–30 August: Bible Week (speaker and venue to be announced)