• 17 December 2018

Shankill Parish Lurgan Christmas Tree Festival focuses on the heart of Christmas

Over 3000 people flocked to Shankill Parish Church in the heart of Lurgan in early December to view 72 Christmas trees, each interpreting a scripture verse that described something of who Jesus is. 

Parish organisations, local churches, schools, community groups and individuals all contributed to the blaze of light and colour, and did so with amazing creativity and individuality. 

Donations from the Festival will benefit two local charities – Lurgan YMCA and PIPS Upper Bann, as well as the Parish. So far around £11,000 has been raised and the rector, Revd Mark Harvey, recently presented PIPS with a cheque for £2750.

On the Sunday morning, Bishop Ken Good, a former rector of Shankill, preached at a special Festival service at which the Parish launched ‘Re–Imagining Shankill’, a visionary plan that will lead into the 300th anniversary celebrations of the first church on the site in 2025.

View a selection of photos here.

Revd Mark Harvey is pictured, right, with PIPS Upper Bann volunteer, Paula. PIPS provides support to individuals who are considering, or who have at some point considered, ending their own lives. PIPS also provides support to those families and friends who have been touched by suicide.