• 18 January 2019

A lovely surprise for Shirley!

The folk in Kilhorne, Annalong, recently sprung a lovely surprise on their Diocesan Lay Reader (emeritus), Mrs Shirley Crutchley, who has just had her 80th birthday.

After Sunday morning worship, the parish celebrated Shirley with a surprise lunch in the hall, complete with a cake topped by a little figure in robes and blue preaching scarf!

The gentle and unassuming Shirley became a Diocesan Lay Reader in April 1991 and has had a faithful ministry in her parish and the Mourne Area for many years. 

The church also took a collection for the Southern Area Hospice in Newry which amounted to over £1000. A cheque will be presented to Hospice staff in Shirley’s home early next week.