Church leaders attend Christian Unity service in Belfast
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (18–25 January) is well underway as churches worldwide pray specifically to become a united Christian witness in the world.
On 22 January, Bishop Harold joined other church leaders for a service in Saint Peter’s Cathedral, Belfast. Saint Peter’s is the cathedral church for the Roman Catholic diocese of Down and Connor and the service was led by the Bishop, Most Revd Noel Treanor.
Also participating were Rt Revd Charles McMullen, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland; Revd Billy Davison, President of the Methodist Church in Ireland; Very Revd Stephen Forde, Dean of Saint Anne’s Cathedral; Very Revd Martin Graham, Administrator of Saint Peter’s Cathedral and Revd Brian Anderson, President of the Irish Council of Churches. The Bishop of Derry and Raphoe, Rt Revd Ken Good, gave the address.
The theme for 2019 comes from the Christian community in Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim–majority country: “Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue” (Deuteronomy 16:18–20). It calls for a move from shared prayer to shared action and Bishop Good called us, individually and as churches, to be courageous agents of the Kingdom of God in our pursuit of justice.
Bishop Harold will attend a WPCU service in St Paul’s Lurgan this evening and also preached last Sunday evening in First Bangor Presbyterian.
Front row L–R: Bishop Harold Miller, Revd Billy Davison, Bishop Noel Treanor, Bishop Ken Good and Rt Revd Charles McMullen.
Back row L–R: Revd Martin Whyte, Revd Brian Anderson, Dr John Dunlop, Very Revd Martin Graham, Dean Stephen Forde, Bishop Patrick Walsh, Canon Brendan Murray and Revd Joe Baxter.