• 18 February 2019

Holywood group enjoy a Parish Weekend together

A group from Holywood Parish swapped one coast for another when they headed to Newcastle, County Down for a parish weekend.

The group was 70 strong and took over the whole of the Glenada Conference Centre from 15–17 February. This was the first parish weekend for a number of years and the next one is already being anticipated!

Diocesan Development Officer, Andrew Brannigan, was the speaker and he facilitated four sessions looking at different aspects of the parish’s ‘Down to Earth’ initiative. Andrew’s style is relaxed and interactive with plenty of group work and everyone took part enthusiastically.

The children and young people had their own programme led by parish Children’s Worker, Angela Megarry and Youth Worker, Paul O’Neill. A small team from Willowfield Parish helped out on Saturday morning.

Saturday afternoon was left free for walking, shopping, coffee and family time whilst the highlight of Saturday evening was a table quiz won, in great style, by the kids!

The weekend finished with everyone worshipping together in a Family Communion service.