St Marks’ Dundela features in BBC 2 programme
Did you spot St Mark’s Dundela in a recent episode of Great British Railway Journeys on BBC 2?
The attraction was, of course, the famous Christian apologist, C.S. Lewis who was baptised in the font there. There was also some lovely footage of the interior of the church.
Presenter, Michael Portillo, was travelling from Belfast to Portrush and interviewed C.S. Lewis biographer and distinguished Oxford theologian, Dr Alister McGrath, in the pews.
We heard how Lewis’ parents had met and married in St Mark’s; his mother Flora, the daughter of the rector and his father Albert, a parishioner.
Dr McGrath explained how Lewis fell away from his faith during adolescence but returned to Christianity in his thirties. Lewis’s faith profoundly affected his work, and his wartime radio broadcasts on the subject of Christianity brought him wide acclaim.
Find out more by viewing the segment via this episode link on BBC iplayer. You may need to sign in or register for the first time and the link will eventually expire.
The interview with Dr McGrath begins outside Campbell College at 11.31 mins into the programme and moves to St Mark’s at 12.50 mins.