• 29 March 2019

Growing leaders in Sydenham

Raising up leaders is a constant challenge for any congregation. Joe Turner, who is the Commissioned Parish Worker for St Brendan’s in Sydenham, shares some of what God is doing in the church there… 

We are absolutely delighted to have welcomed such a great bunch of local people to our first Alpha course of 2019. What a joy it’s been to spend time building relationships and sharing the gospel with a great group of people. 

The most exciting part of all has been to see people who have come through previous Alpha courses coming back as leaders and really shining.

Gillian Gorman and Stacey Orr have recently stepped up to lead home groups and Alpha.  They’ve been a breath of fresh air, given the fact that Gillian has come to faith in the last 18 months and was baptised last December with both her son Cameron and daughter Lauren. 

Cameron is 14 and leads our tech team and Laura at 18 oversees home groups. Gillian is also completing the Crown Jesus Ministries School of Evangelism. Clearly the future of mission in Sydenham appears to be in good hands. We can testify to the goodness and faithfulness of God here and are not only excited when we look at where we’ve come from and where we are but also where we’re going.