• 20 March 2019

Revd Mervyn Jamison becomes Rector of Drumbo

Congratulations to Revd Mervyn Jamison who has been instituted as rector of Drumbo Parish after serving as Minister–in–Charge for 18 months.

Revd Carlton Baxter, Curate Assistant in Magheralin, gave the address at the service in Holy Trinity Ballylesson on Tuesday 19 March.

The parish is in good heart having seen significant growth with around 50% more people attending on Sunday mornings. By another measure, after church coffee consumption has risen from 2 flasks to 8 flasks per week!

“Our Friday night youth club was a great driver for growth,” says Mervyn. “It was our first major initiative and we had 20–30 kids walking in from around the area every week. That put us back on the local map so to speak, and other things have happened from there.”

Jack Wilson came on board as part–time Pastoral Assistant last September and is overseeing the thriving youth and children’s programme. When he’s not working at the church, Jack can be found serving customers in Cameron’s, the local café and deli. Cameron’s is also the venue for the current Alpha which has attracted 25 people.

Sunday morning worship is at 11.00 with a 9.30 communion service twice a month. The tea and coffee time after the service has been very popular, indeed, so much so, that a weekly walking group has grown out of it.

Buildings and plans for the future

A new rectory is next on the agenda, but the parish is already thinking about an extension to the church. The building has become very busy with children and hospitality and more space and accessible toilets are needed.  

In the meantime, and with a lot of support from the Select Vestry and parishioners, Mervyn has continued a programme of renewal and refurbishment begun by his predecessor, Canon Robert Neill. The parish halls have been brightened up with a fresh coat of paint, resurfaced floors, and some upgrading to the kitchen. The grass area behind has been tidied and now serves as a football pitch, complete with floodlights.

“The halls have burst into life. There’s barely a day in the week when they aren’t being used,” says Mervyn.

Badminton, Ladies’ Guild, a group for the bereaved, community Mums and Tots, Youth Club and more, all benefit from the use of the halls. The biggest draw, however, has been an ‘Honesty Box’ Pilates Class, which attracts more than 60 people over three classes each week.

Along with Sunday worship, all of these are valuable touching points and have led to Holy Trinity becoming a hub for the community around Ballylesson.

“Our door is always open,” says Mervyn, “and the welcome is warm. I’m delighted to have been appointed as rector and I look forward to seeing all that God has in store for us here in the future.”

To find out more visit www.holytrinityballylesson.com