• 04 March 2019

Two team Vicars instituted for mission in Lecale

The service of institution at St Anne’s Killough on Sunday 3 March was a first for the diocese with the institution of two vicars together.

Bishop Harold Miller instituted Revd Adrian Dorrian and Revd Capt Scott McDonald as team vicars for the Lecale Area Mission Partnership (LAMP) under the leadership of the rector and Dean of Down, the Very Revd Henry Hull.

Dean Hull said: “The appointment of Adrian and Scott as team vicars underscores what we have been doing for the past two years. It has been a pleasure to work with them and our curate Julie, supporting each other in the work of ministry and creatively engaging in mission in the community. These appointments recognise Adrian and Scott’s ministry experience and cement their respective roles in the LAMP team. We hope that this ministry model will be developed and used in other situations in the Church of Ireland.”

Scott’s current responsibility is for the congregations of Down Parish and Hollymount. He is also tasked with stimulating LAMP’s thinking around evangelism and mission. Adrian is responsible for the congregations of Seaforde and Ballee and is developing the work among children and young people. Julie Bell is curate to Dean Hull and has a passion for the integration of children and families in worship.

The stipendiary clergy are also assisted by retired colleagues, Revd Graham Savidge, Canon Cecil Wilson, Revd Michael Houston and Diocesan Reader, Mrs Rosemarie Armstrong–Woodruffe.

Bishop Harold preached on Galatians 1, a letter addressed, not to a city but to the church in a geographical area. At the outset, the bishop reminded the congregation, gathered from across Lecale that;

“It is the Gospel that holds the church together and the thing which must hold the Lecale Area together is mission. Mission partnership together and the good news of Jesus Christ have to be above everything else.”

Speaking of his appointment, Revd Adrian Dorrian (right) said:

“I’m really honoured to have been appointed as one of the Vicars in the LAMP team.  The past three years here as Associate have been incredibly fulfilling and along with my wife, Anne, I feel really blessed to know that, God–willing, we will get to spend more time in ministry here in South Down.  Having served in a few different contexts, the great thing about LAMP is the team approach we take.  Under God, I truly believe this allows us to achieve a great deal more together than we would if we were each ploughing our own individual furrows.” 

Revd Scott McDonald (right) said:

“Before I was ordained, my entire ministry as a Church Army Evangelist took place in urban settings. Two years ago, however, I became Diocesan Curate in Downpatrick in the stunning setting of Lecale. It’s been a real blessing to work alongside the Dean and others in the LAMP team and I’m grateful to all those who have helped Pauline, myself and our children on the journey. This being St Patrick’s country, I’m conscious of the great legacy of gospel proclamation and how the good news of Christ still has the power today to change lives and transform communities. This is both an encouragement and a challenge. It is with a sense of great privilege that I look forward to serving as a team Vicar, alongside Adrian Dorrian.”