• 24 April 2019

Church bell rings out after 30 years of silence

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The bell of St Gobhan’s, Seagoe Parish, rang out on Easter Day for the first time in over 30 years.

The silence was broken following extensive restoration of the bell and tower and the installation of a new electronic ringing mechanism.

The stonework of the tower was repointed and some stonework repaired, including the Diocesan plaque above the entrance door. Internally, the three upper floors were replaced, the entrance porch retiled and the walls were replastered and painted

The total cost of the restoration was approx £170,000 and was supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund.

In addition to the work on the tower, the grants also helped towards the cost of digitising some of the Parish Magazines, the complete set of which dates from 1906. The digitised editions from the first magazine in 1906 to 1935 can be accessed on a new website:  www.seagoearchives.uk 

Seagoe Parish has a very important and extensive archive dating back to the 1600s, and the magazines are but one part of this. 

Find out more about the digitisation project here
