From foam to font at Ballyholme!
Ballymaconnell beach car park was filled with cars on a recent Wednesday evening, as the sun set over Ballyholme bay for the baptism of Ben Cavan and Josh Reddy. In spite of a gloomy afternoon, a beach bathed in evening sunshine was the perfect setting. Both Ben and Josh grew up in Ballyholme and the shore represented the natural location for their baptism – as well as being the closest thing Bangor has to the river Jordan!
A large number of parishioners joined family and friends of Ben and Josh in what, for many, was the first open–air full immersion baptism they had witnessed. With the Rector, Andrew Watson, Rory Wilson and Robbie Jackson wetsuit–ed and on hand to lower and raise, there was spontaneous applause when each man resurfaced followed by a celebratory glass of Shloer for everyone on the beach afterwards.
The water in the church font was a little bit warmer on the Sunday morning following! Two adult confirmation candidates, Trudi McBurney and Andrea Kelly, opted for the more traditional Church of Ireland ‘wetting of the head initiation’. It was a big step for both ladies to stand up in a church full of people and make their promises but again they were surrounded by family, friends and fellow church members.
As Bishop Harold reminded the congregation at the Confirmation Service on Sunday evening, baptism does not come without cost and for many Christians in the world it is a dangerous step to take, and one which takes true courage and faith. Our thanks to Ben, Josh, Andrea and Trudi for stepping out in faith and sharing the sacrament with us in such a memorable and moving way.
With thanks to Ballyholme Parish