St Columba’s celebrate their growing children’s ministry
The parishioners of St Columba’s Knock celebrated the children from their growing Sunday School and Crèche with a prizegiving and BBQ last Sunday morning.
The children took part in the All–age service – reading the lesson, singing a children’s anthem, leading the prayers and lifting the collection. They were then awarded their Sunday School and Crèche attendance prizes at the front of the church which was packed with parents, family and friends.
During the service, excitement began to build as smells from the BBQ began to drift into the church. Sure enough we enjoyed a marvellous lunch prepared by the Assistant Organist Brian Clements and his team of helpers. Despite the heavy rain and wind of the early morning, by lunchtime the sun was shining brightly for everyone and the church lawn was full of chatter and fun.
The Rector, Canon John Auchmuty, congratulated all the children on their excellent attendances at Sunday School and Crèche and thanked all the teachers and parents for their invaluable commitment and support.
It has been a source of immense blessing to see this growth and development in St Columba’s and to have welcomed so many parishioners to this service. There was terrific singing, led by the Parish Organist and Choral Director, Dr Joe McKee, the Choir and Music Group, and as we all sang so enthusiastically in the final hymn, “To God be the glory!”
With thanks to St Columba’s Knock