Bishop Harold previews his final words to the diocese
Bishop Harold will address the diocese for the last time at Bible Week 2019. Please don’t miss this opportunity to hear the bishop’s final words of encouragement from scripture ahead of his retirement on 30 September.
Bishop Harold gives us a preview of what’s in store…
Farewells are always transitions, and the four ‘Farewell’ passages we will be looking at during the Bible Week have that sense about them.
On the first night (Tuesday 27 August), the focus will be on passing on the baton to a younger generation. the story will be that of Moses on Mt Nebo, looking out over the promised land which he had hoped to enter, but realising that that will be the task for the younger Joshua, who is to be strong and very courageous.
Then, on the Wednesday night (28 August), we will look at one of my favourite Bible characters, Elijah, coming to the end of his very important prophetic ministry, and his successor, Elijah, asking for a double portion of his spirit. It is so important that you and I both hunger for even more of God for the future of this diocese, and believe that that is really possible.
On Thursday 29 August, we look at Jesus leaving his disciples with the Great Commission, but using the version in the longer ending of St Mark’s Gospel, which we often forget about. As Jesus leaves his disciples, he sends them out into the world empowered and inspired to win people for his kingdom.
Then on Friday, we look at St Paul leaving Ephesus with a very powerful speech, knowing that he will never see them again, and that he will probably die for the faith before too long. That ‘Farewell speech to the Ephesian elders’ is one of the most beautiful and powerful speeches in the entire Bible, and one which sets standards for Christian ministry which are to be the goal of all who serve Christ in servant leadership.
These are my farewell addresses to you in the diocese after 22 years of fellowship and leadership among you. I see the opportunity to deliver them as a real privilege, and look forward to seeing you there.
Bible Week takes place in Shankill Church, Lurgan, 27–30 August at 7.45 pm each night.