Meet our new deacon, Revd Iain McAleavey
Bishop Harold has ordained Iain McAleavey as deacon for an internship in St Donard’s, Bloomfield.
The service took place in Down Cathedral on Sunday 25 August and the preacher was Mr Alan Wilson. Also participating were Bishop Moses Zungu (Maridi) and Bishop Mouneer Anis (Egypt).
Revd Iain shares his journey to ordination…
With the example and encouragement of my parents, church has been a part of my life since childhood. I also heard the Christian message at school.
I got involved in the Church of Ireland through friends made at Scripture Union meetings at Wallace High School. My faith became more real in my mind at this time and I realised my need for Jesus in all that I did. As I grew deeper in his love, I began to sense a call to share this with others. I didn’t really know what that would look like, but I knew I was called to surrender all to him.
I prayed that prayer and I began to sense over time that I was called to full time ministry. I had developed a love of the prayer book and the Church of Ireland as it had become my home.
I went on a team to Beaver Cross in our link diocese in Albany and I felt during this time that my call was being identified by others. My heart was broken by the lack of knowledge of the Bible and the saving work of the person of Christ and I sensed that apostolic call to make disciples of all nations, baptising, and teaching.
So, I studied theology, made mistakes, grew and worked in industry as well as doing an internship at Willowfield and helping as a youth volunteer at Moira Parish and LOGIC.
Throughout, I grew more and more aware of his grace at work – that is, Jesus doing in us what we cannot do in ourselves and using us even though he doesn’t need us.
And here I am surrendering to that grace in ordination and praying that he might be glorified in all.