• 07 October 2019

Another season of Saturday Night Live

The new season of Saturday Night Live got off to a great start in Holy Trinity Ballylesson on 5 October.

There was a good turnout of youth groups and leaders for a night of Bible teaching, worship, prayer, food, and fun and games. 

Thanks to our hosts Charlotte Geddis and Jack Wilson and to Courtney Devitt who spoke on this year’s theme of ‘Being An Apprentice’. Courtney is the Youth and Children’s worker in Moneyreagh Community Church.

We are delighted that the group of young SNL musicians has got so big that we now have two SNL Bands, both of which played on Saturday.

The next SNL will be the Christmas Special on 7 December 2019 in Moira Parish. We want to see an even bigger crowd so please bring along your youth group!