Christmas is officially here at Titanic Quarter
Christmas Season in the Titanic Quarter got into full swing yesterday with festivities jointly hosted by the Dock Café, TQ and The Gathering.
The café was packed with regulars, residents, volunteers and visitors for Christmas eats, carol singing and the hair–raising sight of Santa and his elves abseiling down the Arc Apartments!
This is the first Christmas at TQ for The Gathering, the diocese’s worshipping community which has been meeting there since September. Gathering leader, Ross Munro (above), gave a short Christmas message before lighting the first candle and passing on the flame.
Come along
The Gathering meets for worship and teaching in the Dock Café each Sunday from 12–2.00 pm. The first Sunday of the month has a different format with opportunity to hear stories and testimonies before celebrating at the Lord’s table and then sitting down together for food.
You’ll also receive a warm welcome at ‘The Way’ a mid–week Bible Study at 7.30 pm on Wednesday nights.
Find The Gathering on Facebook.